Friday, June 13, 2014

Something to tide you over

First, I want to say that I am sorry for not posting for such a very very long time. I was very busy. And I don't know if I will post anything else soon. But here is a video I made to keep you occupied till that happens. Enjoy! Travis

Friday, June 21, 2013


Hello everyone! Today we will talk about my home country, America.
Today we will compare, contrast, and learn, so let's get started!
For the compare and contrast part, we will talk about 3 different wars.
The wars will be the French and Indian War, the Revolutionary War, and WWII.
Let's start with the Revolutionary War.
One of the highlights of the Revolutionary War is when George Washington crossed the Delaware!
Here are some of the weapons in this war.

The soldiers looked like this.
But probably the most impressive thing about this war is the impact.
That's enough about the Revolutionary war.
What about the French and Indian War?
The highlight of this war is, well Native Americans

And the fact that to important forts where in my home town of Pittsburgh.

Here are some of the weapons.

The solders looked like this
 And I can't even READ the effect on America
Just TRY and read that!
And finally we come to WWII
The Highlight of this war was the most evil person in the world, ADOLF HITLER
Moving on the weapons were by far the best!

The soldiers were generic.
And the impact was, well...
Yeah, that did not end well.
Tell me which was your favorite in the comment area below.
And since we still have time let's talk about George Washington.
 George Washington had a very good campaign strategy.
And he won in the electoral collage.

  Well that wraps up this weeks blog. Comment on what you what me to blog about next time.

Friday, May 31, 2013


hello everyone! today we will learn about Moby-Dick!
Moby-Dick is about a man named Ishmael.
he wants to go to Nantucket.
so he goes on a bout called the Pequod.
on the ship he meets a harpooner named Queequeg.
he also meets the ships first mate,named star buck.
and he meets the captain,captain ahab
captain ahab has a grudge against a whale named moby dick
moby-dick bit off his leg
so the crew goes to kill the whale
i will not spoil the ending for anyone who hasn't read it yet
all in all it was a good book
i give it an...

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


greetings!! today we will talk about bullfighting

first i will talk about the matador
 the matador is the star. he kills the bull.
there are three stages in a bull fight
in the first 2 the matador distracts the bull
in the first the picadors try to harm the bull
 the second involves a guy trying to plunge sticks into the bulls back
 in the third stage the matador uses the muleta (a red cape) to finally kill the bull
 while we are on the subject of bullfighting i would like to talk to you about a book i read
it is called "Shadow of a Bull"
 it is about a boy whos father was a famous bullfighter
but he does not want to be a bullfighter
it sounds generic but it works

 i went to the capital of Spain
it is called Madrid
i had a lot of fun there

our blog is done tune in next time

Monday, April 8, 2013


time to show you some of my vacation to...
i went to the globe theater
that's right THE globe theater
I saw romio and juliet
 there were thousands of people there
i also went to the London eye
witch is one of the largest Ferris wheels in the entire universe
here is me on it
i also went to the Beatles museum
and the last thing i did was take a tour of Warner brothers studios and see the making of the harry potter movies!
like the great hall

 the front gate
and the cupboard under the stairs
real costumes such as Hagred's
and the ravenclaw robes
and real props such as the car
the chess pieces
the motor cycle
 and the model for Hogwarts
now that's...
*puts on sunglasses*
keeping the peace