Tuesday, April 23, 2013


greetings!! today we will talk about bullfighting

first i will talk about the matador
 the matador is the star. he kills the bull.
there are three stages in a bull fight
in the first 2 the matador distracts the bull
in the first the picadors try to harm the bull
 the second involves a guy trying to plunge sticks into the bulls back
 in the third stage the matador uses the muleta (a red cape) to finally kill the bull
 while we are on the subject of bullfighting i would like to talk to you about a book i read
it is called "Shadow of a Bull"
 it is about a boy whos father was a famous bullfighter
but he does not want to be a bullfighter
it sounds generic but it works

 i went to the capital of Spain
it is called Madrid
i had a lot of fun there

our blog is done tune in next time

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