Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Middle of what?

Hello everyone
today we are going to review...
wrong medieval times.
there we go!

Medieval times was a very happy time right?
it was actually a very bad time.
if you think a bad time was war, war, and more war!!
well i am not much of a historian
probably because I HAVE A LIFE!!
  if you do not have a life, get a life


moving on.
 mostly knights participated in war...
 ...but sometimes kings will participate too.
Maybe even queens!!
kings and queens lived in castles.
nights also lived in castles.
and sometimes even a whole city!
speaking of medieval cities, this is what one probably looked like.
knights protected castles.
here are some weapons they might have used.
my favorite is the flail.
it looks like this.
some say that the first machines were built in the middle ages.



...a medieval feast might look like this.
 there were 2 types of wizards in the middle ages.
there were Christian wizards...
...and Jewish wizards.
one of the most famous castles ever is Transylvania Castle.
time for a SCARY GHOST STORY!!


the following is a very scary story
and is not for the faint of heart.

turn away if you
are offended by such material.

however if you do wish to watch this, I
suggest you turn the lights of to get the full effect.

seriously, this is scary

cue story narrator!

our story starts a long, LONG time ago.

back when kings still ruled over Transylvania, there lived a king.
he was known as "Vlad The Impaler" because of his hobby to impale people on metal spikes.
but his real name is Vlad Tebus...
 his son the prince was a very nice young lad who always know what to do.
 Vlad loved his castle but it drove him mad.
so mad that he threw the prince out of the princes room window!
some say the princes ghost still haunts the princes room to this day!
feel free to turn the light back on now. 

but here's what i think about the story
 thats it for this week
see you next time!


  1. Hi Travis,
    It sounds like you are having a great time in Barcelona, and learning a lot! Your blog is really cool!
