Thursday, February 28, 2013


hi I'm back and this week we will talk about Egypt.
if  you have never heard of Egypt
sooooooooo never mind :P.

anyway if you do know about Egypt the first thing you will remember about it will probably be the...
   these structures were made for pharaohs when they died.
under the mask, pharaohs could look like this.
BEFORE                          AFTER

they would put the lungs, liver, stomach, and intestines into canopic jars

They would usually put amulets on the mummy.
These amulets include:

The symbol of life...
The eye of Horus...
The scarab beetle...
and a vulture thingamubob
apparently,  these items were connected with the gods.
speaking of gods Egypt has a lot of them.
here is a few.
Tutankhamen had a curse that went something like this.
pretty creepy right?

the flag for Egypt looks like this.
the last thing I want to talk about is the sphinx.
the sphinx is part human, part lion.
it looks like this.
that's it for this week
join me next week for the middle ages

Sunday, February 17, 2013


Man this place has a lot of cool stuff!
Don't underestimate the power of Barcelona. :-)

We have seen so much stuff it is not even funny. No seriously, it is NOT FUNNY! Well, there is one thing that is funny. The is this one thing I saw at the MIBA museum, a museum full of inventions.

The thing is called "the world's most useless machine" and man does it live up to its name. When you turn it on, all it does is turn itself off. THAT'S IT!!!

In case you were wondering what Antoni Gaudi looks like, here's his picture. 

I also went to a museum, entirely about Picasso. But instead of his cubism stuff, it was filled with all of his early work. Here is a self portrait of him when he was only 15 or 16 years old!

Here's two of his most famous works, I don't know their names - so don't ask. These are some of my favorites from the museum. 

I remember about a week ago, I did a post on Joan Miro. I forgot to show you his picture, so here it is.

We also saw a Carnaval Parade with a Carnival King. We don't have an exact photo of the one we saw, but he looks a lot like the one in this poster. 

Well, that's it for next week. Join me next week for the next post. 

Saturday, February 9, 2013

My First Week in BARCELONA!!!!

Believe it or not, I am not in Pittsburgh right now! I am actually in a city in Spain called Barcelona. It has a lot of cool buildings. I will show you some of them right now.

This is the Sagrada Familia. It was built over 100 years ago AND (get this) it is still being built! It was designed by Gaudi a famous architect. Here is a picture of the outer place. You can still see the cranes.  

The next place we went to is the Casa Mila. It was also built by Gaudi and was the last structure he ever built. The roof has a very weird shape which is caused by the very weird shape of the attic. There are three structures on the roof that all have different purposes. These three purposes are; 1) to be a stairwell to lead up to the roof. 2) to be a ventilation shaft. And 3) to be a chimney. Here is a picture of the outside.

This is a stairwell.

And this is a ventilation shaft.

We also went to the Miro Foundation. It was built to admire the great artist Joan Miro. This is one of his sculptures. He calls it "woman". He had a lot of sculptures called "woman" and I did not like it.
This is the Gaudi lizard at Park Guell. It is a very famous park in Barcelona. (i of course mean Park Guell not the lizard). And Park Guell was (again!?!?) made by Gaudi.

Well, that is pretty much it for the first week! See you again, for the second week!