Sunday, February 17, 2013


Man this place has a lot of cool stuff!
Don't underestimate the power of Barcelona. :-)

We have seen so much stuff it is not even funny. No seriously, it is NOT FUNNY! Well, there is one thing that is funny. The is this one thing I saw at the MIBA museum, a museum full of inventions.

The thing is called "the world's most useless machine" and man does it live up to its name. When you turn it on, all it does is turn itself off. THAT'S IT!!!

In case you were wondering what Antoni Gaudi looks like, here's his picture. 

I also went to a museum, entirely about Picasso. But instead of his cubism stuff, it was filled with all of his early work. Here is a self portrait of him when he was only 15 or 16 years old!

Here's two of his most famous works, I don't know their names - so don't ask. These are some of my favorites from the museum. 

I remember about a week ago, I did a post on Joan Miro. I forgot to show you his picture, so here it is.

We also saw a Carnaval Parade with a Carnival King. We don't have an exact photo of the one we saw, but he looks a lot like the one in this poster. 

Well, that's it for next week. Join me next week for the next post. 


  1. Dear Travis: Good morning from Pittsburgh. Jacob Newman here (ignore the picture of my mom) Wow, that's a lot of stuff you have done. Your useless machine story is hilarious. Can I tell you something? The microwave was invented on accident. It snowed a lot in Pittsburgh last night. I wish you were here so you could go sledding with me. My mom typed this, so thanks mom. Bye Travis, write again soon. Sincerely, Jacob

  2. Travis
    I didn't think you could top the shakespeare post but this is awesome. I've never been to Spain so it's extra great to see it through your eyes and words. I like the machine that just turns off. I'd like to use that machine to make people stop talking when they are boring me. Maybe there's an app for that.

    Like the pictures and your comments- how is the food?
